Local Attractions

Nearby places and resources that will enhance your visit to the area and throughout Michigan.

Destination Ann Arbor

Washtenaw County Historical Consortium

Yankee Air Museum

Aircraft museum with many historical aircraft. Check their calendar for events like airshows and opportunities for plane rides.  The Argus Museum collaborated on a display of World War II military equipment with Yankee Air Museum.

Independence Lake

A beautiful county park with recreational activities including biking, hiking and boating, and diverse habitats to experience.

In 1952, Argus leased 150 acres for a recreation area at Independence Lake on the outskirts of Ann Arbor. Undeveloped when first leased, employees pitched in to improve the property. Within a couple of years, the lake included bathing, boating, picnicking and camping facilities. Later, the lake and its improvements were acquired by Washtenaw County.


Michigan Activity Pass -- provides Michigan library card holders the opportunity to discover/learn more about participating cultural destinations, state parks, campgrounds, and recreation areas in the state at a discounted rate.

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